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Attorney Kirsten Lamb

Kirsten Lamb

Direct: 1-585-549-3535

Kirsten Lamb is a member of the Firm’s Real Estate Department in which she has a robust commercial and residential real estate and lending practice. Ms. Lamb is responsible for ensuring company-wide compliance with state and federal guidelines and mandates. Ms. Lamb is admitted to practice in New York and has nineteen years of experience in the real estate field, including a broad REO (lender representation in foreclosure sales) and national settlement background spanning more than thirty-six states. She has represented most of the major institutional lenders as well as many private lenders in REOs, refinances, and standard purchase and sale transactions. She has extensive familiarity in lender loss mitigation programs, including loan modifications, deeds in lieu of foreclosure, short sales and REOs. She is experienced in examination and resolution of title issues as well as preparation of title reports and policies. Before joining Stark | Lattuca, Ms. Lamb was Staff Counsel at Closing USA, LLC and the Managing Partner at Webber Law, PLLC.

Ms. Lamb is a 2004 graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo Law School where she was an Editor for the International Human Right Law Review. She is a member of both the New York State and Monroe County Bar Associations’ Real Estate Sections as well as a member of the Monroe County Real Estate Section Council. In that capacity, she has been Chair of the Real Estate Section Council twice and is currently acting as a liaison to the joint GRAR and MCBA Realtor/Bar committee which drafts the local purchase and sale contracts. Ms. Lamb is the author of the article, “What you need to know about REOs,” published September 13, 2011, in the Daily Record.